Plans are going ahead for the reskinning of the St Mary's Polytunnels before the new term begins and the term plans for the next year.
Robert Golden has started work on a documentary about the Edible Gardens Project which will be filmed over the school year and then working with other schools and teachers to explain how much the gardens, embedded now in the National Curriculum, are helpful to the children and school. The work is to share the vital importance of children understanding where their food comes from, how to grow it, how to eat well for their health and well being and to learn about nature and its importance to all of us.
Thank you to everyone involved. The list is long and everyone single person, no matter how much they can give or help, is integral to the overall success of what can be achieved together.
Thank you as always to all of our funders and supporters, The Ernest Hecht Charitable Trust, Kitson & Trotman, Bridport Town Council's Team for the tables, chairs and gazebo's and above all Sarah Wilberforce and the magnificent team of volunteer gardeners led by professional gardener James Ball, thank you Chris, Viv, Emily, Izzy, Flippy, Joe and Alan and Matt the caretaker at St Mary's.